Monday 3 August 2009

Last breakfast at Madla Scout HQ

right now the scouts are tidying up, we've had our last breakfast at the Scout hut most things are packed, and the smell of damp dirty clothing is finaly beggining to leave the building ( helped with a bit of air freshener )
this is that last update from the computer at madla Scout hut, and its odd norwegian keyboard ( ø Ø æ Æ å Å and other keys in the wrong place ) there may be a few more updates from the airport, access permitting, and a few more bits and bobs added from the UK in the days after the camp.Latest: we have found some lost property, most of it smells non too good.

this blog is now open for comments, click on the comments tab below to make a comment about åny part of the camp / trip( you may need to create a google username as used for youtube etc, (comments may be removed if inappropiate etc etc ) but for now, and from madla Scout hut thats that.

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