Tuesday 4 August 2009

Day 10, 3rd August 2009 the journey home

Day 10 and a little bit of Day 9 as well...

On sunday Evening Tor inger invited the leaders out to a meal at a restaurant in Stavanger, leaving the older Explorees and some of the older Scouts in charge back at the Scout hut, equiped with a phone to call us if there were any problems.
When we returned to madla Scout hut there was a presentaition eving where the neckercheifs were poresented ot those Scouts who hadnt camped with madla before, then it was time to do a bit of cleaning up, before bed time.

Video walkthrough of madla Scout HQ where we spent the last few days.

On Monday morning we awoke a little bit earlier in order to make sure that everything would be packed up, we had the usual 'continental style' breakfast, then the big clean up began, The Scout hut was soon cleared, all the bags were packed and taken outside the front door then it was time to leave

There was enough time for a quick group phot before all the bags were loaded into cars and onto a trailer then it was off to the airport at Stavanger to begin our journey to Birmingham airport, via Schippol, and eventually home

We were soon at Sola Airport, Stavanger unloading outside, and getting ready to board the plane to Amsterdam

Boarding the aircraft

We were soon on your way to Amsterdam, where after a hike through the airport from one gate to another we finaly made it to the departure gate
Clearing customs / passport control in Holland
A short wait at Gate D44
On the plane from Holland ( Schippol) to the UK ( Birmingham)

Once back in the UK there was time for another group photo, then we went our separate ways back to our Scout huts at melbourne and Eccleshall.

Group photo
Going our separate ways, outside Birmingham airport
Back at Melbourne Scout hut.

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