Sunday 2 August 2009

Inside Madla Scout hut, Stavanger

Heres a few pictures from inside madla Scout hut, our current location.

Lower floor:

The lower floor has a meeting room equipend with a full light and sound/disco set up
At the back of this room there is a bouldering wall, with crash mats ( that should be neatly stacked against the wall ) it is also equiped with a high definition video projector, mounted to the roof, agains the other wall is a framed take away menu for a local pizza shop

Coridoor leading outside to a door to the left and to the stairs up on the right, turn left and your at the back
The back of the scout hut features a climbing/abseiling wall that goes upwards above the roofline of the building
Their equipment store is larger than the scout hut in melbourne, and contains a huge amount of camping gear, a rigid inflatable 'speed' boat, wind sufing gear, sailing gear, skiiing gear and much more
to the side theres also a sheltered campfire circle area

Pioneering poles ready for use are stored to the side of the main building.

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