Friday 24 July 2009

Less than 10 hours to go...

and almost packed.
Updates during the camp/trip.
I hope to be able to update this blog dring the week, however that all depends on internet access and availability.
All being well there should be some photos on here right from the start as we make our way from the Scout hut, to the airport, and a few from the airport as well upto as far as when we are on the aircraft. after that we will be out of the UK, and any updates will appear as and whenever possible
There may be a few days 'gap' as we will be at a campsite, for the first part of the camp.

Check back here each day for the latest information, updates and (hopefuly) pictures ( and possibly even a bit of video )

See you tomorow 3am! ( or should that be later tonight) at the Scout hut

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