Wednesday 15 July 2009

a few bits of info

When we arrive in Norway we will be staying at a campsite called ( ir in a place called ) Oltesvik, pictured to the left. Whilst at the campsite we will be doing a few activitys

We will ( probably ) be also staying at Madla Scout Hut, poctured left) if you want to see exactly where it is then click here for google maps ( satelite view)

We are also planning to visit the local Theme park "kogeparken" see here for the background story and information on this park

All being well, there will be some more updates soon, keep checking for the latest information.

As for the planned updates live from Norway that all depends on internet access, ive figured out how to set my phone up to send short text only messages to this site using hardly any data and if they are below a certain size then the cost will be almost zero, thats if it works in Norway.
Although at somepoint i hope to have full speed access from a P.C so if its not updated for a few days keep checking for the big update with photos etc.
If everything goes to plan then there should be a few photos taken from the journey to the airport and at Birmingham airport published straight to this site, followed by a few basic bits of text.

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