Friday 31 July 2009

Waterfall at the back of the camp site

Overnight on Thurday and into Friday we had a huge amount of rain and it transformed
the small waterfall at the back of the campsite into a raging torrent.

Settling down for the night

The scouts are all settling down for the evening on the middle floor of the scout hut, hopefuly they will soon be quiet. ( or is that too much like wishful thinking )

All is quiet

Weve just had our evening meal, theres a dishwasher in the kitchen, the Scouts are happy.
After a weeks camping some of the scouts are tired, some have been playing footbal on the astroturf feild outside, and they are now watching a DVD in the lower floor of the Scout hut, Dave is asleep, and all is quite for now.

more photos

Manfossen waterfall
on the way down from prekostolen
Fresh blueberrys growing all around the Campsite, picked by the scouts
Table and becnh pioneering project


Raft building on the lake
The route up to prekostolen
building the gateway at the campsite

tents going up

day 7 friday

Break camp.

Instead of the showere that we had becom used to we awoke this morning to torrential rain, and gusty winds.
We also had to take down all the tents etc from the camp, load them onto a trailer, and take them back to the scout hut where they had to be hung out and dried.
We are now at the scout hut in madla, where there is internet access so hopefuly if my camera will plug in there should be a load of photos on here soon, from the camp

Day six, thursday

On Thursday afternoon we went on a trip out to visit a huge waterfall, in the morning the Scouts had the oportunity to go canoing on the lake.

day five Wednesday

after a rare lie in and a slightly later start we have been raft building, canoeing and washing clothes ( three activity bases ) after an evening meal of pork chops we went into the basement area of one of the cabins where the scouts played cards, and then off to bed.
It gets dark here at about 11:30

Day 4 tuesday

Tuesday, today we visited the local theme park kongerparken, after enjoying the rides and attractions, we caught the bus to a large shopping centre just outside stavanger called kvradrat where the scouts had the oportunity to buy various things, afterwards we returned back to the camp sitefor a bit of swimming in the lake, followed by the eveing meal, then a quick game of improvised rounders ( using a pioneering pole as a bat ) then chilling out round the camp fire before it was time for bed.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Shopping centre

Been to a shopping centre we just managed to round up the scouts and we are now heading back to camp. we will be at the camp site tomorow so no updates on here for a day or so


We have just been to the theme park kongeparken and we are now on our way to a shopping centre

Monday 27 July 2009


In onthe Minibus on the way back from the hike to Prekostolen, the rain has stopped the sun has come out on the radio: eagles hotel california, now guns and roses knocking on heavens door, veiws outside the window, stuning

Day three

We woke up slightly earlier and after breakfast we made our sandwiches to eat while out on our hike up to Prekostolen. Unlike the weather in 2006 it rained however when we arrived at the top the clouds cleared the rain stopped and we had some fantastic veiws for the last short section to prekostolen.after a short stay at the top we had our lunch then headed back down . On the way back to camp we stopped at a supermarket where the scouts had the chance to buy sweets crisps and other such stuff.


Just on the way down tomorow we are going to the theme park and wednesday a raft race hopefuly there should be some photos on here from friday

More later trev


Just climbed up to the top fantastic veiws despite the mist more later

Sunday 26 July 2009

Sunday day 2

Today we have been absailing down a deep gorge at the back of the campsite and some canoing on the lake
Followed by a short evening walk to the fjord. So far everything is going great on monday we have a hike up Prekostolen and the local theme park kongerparken on tuesday.
Internet access on camp is non existant so updates will appear whenever possible we should be at the scout hut from thursday or friday so there should be much more then.

Our campsite

A brief description. We are camped at oltesvik with a water fall cascading down a high rocky cliff to one side looking the other way the grassy plateau slopes gently upwards part some farm buildings them on to the steep cliffs of the valley wall opposite. Behind us there is a lake which can be used for fishing, canoing, rafting, swimming etc. Looking the other way there are some trees and beyond that a fjord

Saturday 25 July 2009

End of day one

After an early start and two flights to stavanger we finaly arrived at the camp site we spent the day setting up camp and starting to build up the camp, so far we have had a mixture of light showers and hazy sun some of the scouts even went for a swim in the lake. Its currently 9:30 pm and after being on the go since before 3am the scouts are heading off to bead. Internet access is not that great here the next update should appear as soon ar I can get it online

More later.


We have just landed and we will soon be on our way to the campsite next update due sunday

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

Made it through schipol

We have just boarded the plane for stavanger after a long trek through schipol airport next stop norway

On the plane

So far so good just boarded

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

On the plane

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone


Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

A blured scout

Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone

3am at the scout hut

Just about to leave

Friday 24 July 2009

Less than 10 hours to go...

and almost packed.
Updates during the camp/trip.
I hope to be able to update this blog dring the week, however that all depends on internet access and availability.
All being well there should be some photos on here right from the start as we make our way from the Scout hut, to the airport, and a few from the airport as well upto as far as when we are on the aircraft. after that we will be out of the UK, and any updates will appear as and whenever possible
There may be a few days 'gap' as we will be at a campsite, for the first part of the camp.

Check back here each day for the latest information, updates and (hopefuly) pictures ( and possibly even a bit of video )

See you tomorow 3am! ( or should that be later tonight) at the Scout hut

Thursday 23 July 2009

Less than 48 hours to go....

Everyone packed yet? erm, im getting there. its easily done, but dont forget to pack items unsuitable for hand luggage ( carry on luggage ) in your main bag, it can be simple stuff like scisors etc etc that can cause problems, information available at the birmingham airport website here

We are flying from Birmingham to Stavanger, changing at Amsterdam, Birmingham > Amsterdam (schippol)> Stavanger (Sola) and the return routeis the opposite of this, coming back to Birmingham on KLm Flight KL1429 due in at 3:40pm, for arrivals go to the birmingham airport website.

Weather forcast:
looking at bit cooler than it is currently in the UK, with a few odd showers of rain on monday, drying up and warming up as the week progresses.
AccuWeather has a much more detailed forcast for Stavanger thats updated frequently here

Below, Webcam overlooking Stavanger harbour area, we wont be staying there, but it should give you an idea of the weather etc, webcam supplied by affenbladet

Wednesday 15 July 2009

a few bits of info

When we arrive in Norway we will be staying at a campsite called ( ir in a place called ) Oltesvik, pictured to the left. Whilst at the campsite we will be doing a few activitys

We will ( probably ) be also staying at Madla Scout Hut, poctured left) if you want to see exactly where it is then click here for google maps ( satelite view)

We are also planning to visit the local Theme park "kogeparken" see here for the background story and information on this park

All being well, there will be some more updates soon, keep checking for the latest information.

As for the planned updates live from Norway that all depends on internet access, ive figured out how to set my phone up to send short text only messages to this site using hardly any data and if they are below a certain size then the cost will be almost zero, thats if it works in Norway.
Although at somepoint i hope to have full speed access from a P.C so if its not updated for a few days keep checking for the big update with photos etc.
If everything goes to plan then there should be a few photos taken from the journey to the airport and at Birmingham airport published straight to this site, followed by a few basic bits of text.

Friday 10 July 2009

Afew of the activities that are planned:

  • An overnight Hike, walking during the day, stayoing overnight at a remote location, then hiking back
  • Fishing from Boats, and then cooking and eating what weve caught
  • A trip to the local town ( possibly Stavanger )
  • A trip to the local theme park Kongerparken

more news and info as and when it arrives.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

Not long now

Getting closer to departure>, the final letter has gone out, complete with the final instructions.
Just in case you missed it,At Melbourne, we are meeting at the Scout hut early on Saturday the 25th of July at 3:00am, or 03:00hrs, or just realy early.
The flight departs Birmingham Airport at 6:00am via Amsterdam, arriving at Stavanger at 10:25am UK Time, 11:25am Local Time.
The return Flight is due back at 15:40 (3:40pm) Flight Number KL1429 from Amsterdam, flight arrivals for Birmingham airport can be found on ceefax page 449, although with the fothcoming demise of ceefax, flight information can also be found online at Birmingham airports arrivals page on their website
for those who no longer have access to ceefax, try

Random Photos: at the moment im testing a feature that links my phone to this website, where I take a photo on my phone and it appears on here, see below for more information.