Saturday 7 March 2009

Updated 5th July

Not long to go now, ive managed to configure my mobile phone to upload photos directly on to here.
A photo from the gliding weekend is shown as a test above, and a photo taken at woodville cricket club after the beaver fun day is at the top it only took two minutes from the photo being took, to it apearing on here, although once outside the UK, I will be unable to add anything instantly, news photos and anything else will be posted on here as and when i can get internet access via a Computer ( i believe that the norwegian scouts have internet access in their Scout hut )(

Welcome to the website/blog for the 1st Melbourne and 1st Eccleshall Scouts 2009 summer camp in Norway
Where possible information about the trip will be placed on here as and when it is available.
Before the Norway Camp updates will be posted in the form of edits, during ( and after the trip/camp) updates will appear at the top ( hopefuly)

Hopfeuly, where internet access in norway is available updates and photos may be posted here during the camp, from Norway, a simalar website/
blog was set up and updated from the last summer camp, Poacher 2008 in Lincolnshire which was updated during the camp, from the internet cafe on site, this website\blog is still avaialable and you can see it by clicking here

To get to Norway we will be Flying from Birmingham Airport, with KLM, via Amsterdam, the flight leaves Birmingham early at 06:00am! From what we understand so far the luggage limit is 1 item of checked luggage at 20 kilos, and one item of hand luggage at 10kilos.

Some of the Activities we could be doing in Norway are Hiking, Fishing, camping out, and possibly a few watersports in the fjords\rivers

Fundraising, We ( at 1st Melbourne) Have started Car washing, our next Car wash is on SAturday the 11th of April ( easter saturday) the car wash is open
from 10am to 12:30pm, thanks to all those who helped at the last car wash, the other dates for car washes are 25th April, and the 9th of May, there may be some more after that, although nothing is planned as yet. more fundrainsg stuff will be placed here as and when we get\ can confirm information.
important info check now: Each person will need a full passport, and an Ehic card. Check your passport details now.

Ehic cards, (example pictured above) or European Health insurance Cards, these replaced the old E1-11 forms and are also required for the Norway camp, Please make sure that your cards are up to date ( ie still valid) if they are not, or you dont have one you can apply for one online quickly and easily Here

Update 29th of May:
The Car washing has now come to the end of its Run, we were goignt o try and fit some more in, but there are very few weekends left before the camp now, and even fewer, if any weekends where there isnt anything happening.
Still to come on the fundraising side of things is a Table top sale on the 13th of June, and a Fundraising event at Melbourne Fete and Carnival, a huge thanks to Susie Hudson for organising these two events.
The next letter has also just gone out, to the Melbourne Scouts with details of a Meeting, to be held at the Royal Brittish Legion, in Melbourne, Derby Road ( next to Budgens) on Tuesday the 9th of June from 7:30pm to enable everyone to Discuss any aspect of the visit to Norway, please bring Passports and EHIC cards ( mentioned above ) to avoid any possible disappointment that may occur if they are not valid.

below: a photo slideshow from the car washes

Below some photos form the first car wash:

Below is a slideshow of some photos from the 2006 Norway camp\trip click the HD btutton, to view in HD quality.